Short Bio

I am Tianyang Wang, a third-year undergraduate specializing in computer vision at the School of AI and Advanced Computing, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. My research interest includes medical image analysis and computer vision, and I am eager to further this work during my prospective PhD studies. I am currently advised by Prof. Jingxin Liu.

I have been actively searching for the right mentor and project as I am very eager to continue my studies in this field. I would be truly grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals. If you are interested, please feel free to drop me a message.😊 Email

——❖ Seeking 2025 Fall PhD Position ❖——

Recent and Selected Publications


Enhanced Corneal Endothelial Cell Segmentation via Frequency-Selected Residual Fourier Diffusion Models

Tianyang Wang*, Xiaofei Nan*, Yunze Wang, Yuhang Yan, Zhenkai Gao, Jingxin Liu.

International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2025 - Under Review

* equal contribution


Pseudo Training Data Generation for Unsupervised Cell Membrane Segmentation in Immunohistochemistry Images

Xi Long*, Tianyang Wang*, Yanjia Kan, Yunze Wang, Silin Chen, Albert Zhou, Xianxu Hou, Jingxin Liu.

International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (BIBM), 2024 - Congratulations! Our work has been accepted by BIBM 2024. Thankfully, this work I did at the beginning of my research, which is finally accepted!!!

* equal contribution


Consistency Regularization Augmented Wavelet-based Masked Autoencoder for Multiple Thorax Disease Classification

Yunze Wang*, Silin Chen*, Tianyang Wang*, Yuexiang Li, Siqi Huang, Xiaowei Huang, Jingxin Liu.

International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (BIBM), 2024 - Under Review

* equal contribution


SDDA-MAE: Self-distillation enhanced Dual Attention Masked Autoencoder for Small-scale Medical Image Datasets

Yunze Wang, Silin Chen, Tianyang Wang, Jingxin Liu.

Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL), 2024 [PDF]


BiF3-Net: A Full BiFormer Full-scale Fusion Network for Accurate Gastrointestinal Images Segmentation

Yunze Wang, Silin Chen, Xi Long, Yi Tian, Ye Huang, Tianyang Wang, Jingxin Liu.

Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL), 2024 [PDF]


Surveying Attitudinal Alignment Between Large Language Models and Humans Towards 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Qingyang Wu, Ying Xu, Tingsong Xiao, Yunze Xiao, Yitong Li, Tianyang Wang, Yichi Zhang, Shanghai Zhong, Yuwei Zhang, Wei Lu, Yifan Yang.

WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2024 [PDF] - Under Review

Academic Service

Reviewer for ISBI (2023)

Selected Awards and Honors

[2022-2023] University Academic Achievement Award (Top 10% in Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University)

Selected Patents

[Mar. 2024] Cell Membrane Image Unsupervised Segmentation Model Training Method